Brooke's European Adventure

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Here we are at Loveland Pass - the Penta Party (less Monica, plus Lisa) re-united!!! It is turning into a (every other year) thing! This time in Colorado. Kim and Kristen and snow in the background!

The group! It was 90 in Denver, 80 in Evergreen 70 in Breckenridge and 60 at the top where we are!

The lake we hiked around - easy morning hike before the afternoon at the spa (and shopping). A rainbow after an afternoon rain. After watching this - we hit the hot-tub and played Taboo! (Yes, Kim, Lisa and Kristen's team won).
Here we go in the hottub!
The girls at Red Rock before we left!
Pretty Red Rock!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The girls go to ... Bedrock? No, it is really Nebraska
Hello, nice to meet you. I practice before the business meetings start.
And a little side trip through the black mountians to Wyoming!
And South Dakota!
Brooke and Crazy Horse

Crazy horse the model is 1/34 the size of the actual mountian.
This is a mountian goat we saw on the side of the road, it had a baby with it. After taking the pictures, we learned they were wild and you really shouldn't get close to them.
Paola (Pow-la), Brooke and Justyna!

Let's not forget about home!!!

I think these are reindeer? They were all over - thank goodness that I didn't hit any with the car!
And we went to Iowa...That puts me in the state lead by +2.
Welcome to Nebraska - just don't ever try to fly here - 12 hrs from Newark on the way there and 13 on the way back!!
This is us in the airport at hour +9
These were the good luck pigs we bought in Iowa - we aren't sure if they are really "lucky".

Greece - there is no prettier place!!

Breakfast from our hotel in Athens - with a view!
The Akropolis!
My absolute favorite Greek coffee drink - FRAPPA!
The ruins - awesome!
A different island - the only mode of transportation - a donkey!

This was our morning ritual - "how many boats are out there"
This is the life...
The town from our room - there was a path that you could walk to get to Fira.
Our balcony

We took tons of pictures of the sun set :)
The sunset
The sunset
A tour of the volcano

Our hotel was at the top - from there it didn't look that high!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Elizabeth Gilbert Speech in New Hope, PA

Brooke and Sol checking out the town And now with Cecelia, Sol's friend from Argentina
How many books do we actually need??
Yes, we have several copies - but did I mention it was a great book?
Brooke getting her book signed by Elizabeth. Elizabeth said Oprah was "cool". Great speech - very funny and entertaining for the small audience (in the high school). The girls in front of us drove 9 hrs to attend.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Brooke at the starting line- will it or won't it rain - that was the key question. In the 40's, but with a pretty fog over the land - notice I am not cold bc I have dressed appropriately.

And we are off! Remember this is not a race, it is a "ride" The majority of the time the road was clear riding, however in some parts - like here trying to enter central park - it was pretty packed.
I was in gate 3 of 5 starting blocks. These are the people behind me - there were 30,000 who registered
Brooke and the bridge - we rode over that. This is the second rest stop.

Here we are NYC in the back ground :)
And the famous Brooklyn Bridge
These guys have rats on their heads so that their friends can see them - best part - look closely, the rats have bike helmets on.
Brooke and her new friends from Canada at the end of the race!!
Here is the last reading at the end of the race - 44 miles. Total distance counting the ride there and home = 49 miles. Seriously, 49 miles.