Brooke's European Adventure

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Melanie in Amsterdam!!! I was so glad to have here here!!! When you coming back?? Greek Islands.... do I need to say more???? Posted by Picasa

Melanie is in.... Posted by Picasa

Our picnic from Versailles. We ate at a gas station which had tons of picnic tables for picnicing because it is so common here. Some guys were taking professional pictures around the station and took several of us ... we may be famous one day!!! Posted by Picasa

La Jacotiere - it was only 52 euro total with breakfast. Unbelievable deal and a great place. Posted by Picasa

This was the best room of our whole trip. We wanted to stay longer here !!! The room slept 5 people and was so clean and nice. Posted by Picasa

We stayed on a vegatable farm! They grew carrots, lettuce etc here. 6 guest rooms in the farmhouse. Posted by Picasa

View from our hotel room! Posted by Picasa

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Brooke and the Mont! Hello! Posted by Picasa

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At night. Posted by Picasa

The abbey from below. Posted by Picasa

The streets in the village. Posted by Picasa

Tide out - see the next picture to understand what it is like when the tide is in. About 2 hrs before the tide comes in, they start making announcements on the intercom in about 10 different languages. YOU MUST MOVE YOUR CAR. I told the story to my mom and she didn't believe me that this was actually happening until she heard the English one over the system while I was on the phone with her... she says "You weren't kidding about that??" Posted by Picasa

When we were here the tide was in at 8:30 at night and 8:30 in the morning. It was perfect timing to see the tide in action. Posted by Picasa

Tide In. You can see the parking lot lines beneath the water. One time a man driving a bus did not follow the warnings and left the bus there when the tide was coming in. They had to chain it to a pole so that it didn't float away, but the entire bus was flooded. Posted by Picasa

Tide out! Posted by Picasa

Tide In! Posted by Picasa

The street cleaners move the water and sand off of the parking lot and here you go - you can park again!!! Posted by Picasa

Now you can park here again!!! The tour buses come in. We didn't have any problems with the crowds - we went in the evening when we arrived and the next morning and we had a blast!! Posted by Picasa

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The sun sets with the castle creating a shadow on the sandy beach before the as the tide comes in. Words can't even describe it. Posted by Picasa

A pretty picture Posted by Picasa

Melanie waiting fo the tide. Although it took a while, it was definately worth it. Posted by Picasa