Brooke's European Adventure

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Moving In

2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 walk in closets. Open kitchen, washer / dryer, full size fridge and dishwasher. Wood floors throughout and a parking spot. What more could you ask for?? 10 minutes to the train station for a 30 minute door to door commute for Derek, the bus stops right in front of the apartment to the office (30 minutes) and the drive to my client can be 45 minutes to 1.5 hrs depending on traffic. We have accomplished alot in just 2 weeks of being here. The apartment is almost completely arranged (of the goods from storage), the goods from the Netherlands just cleared customs today and are being delivered this weekend. Arranging took a little longer than expected because we moved things a couple of times to get them in the right spot (and some of that stuff is heavy) and Derek changed bathrooms and closets with me so that I could have the larger of the 2 (isnt that sweet of him?). But the good news is that everything fit! and that was what I was most worried about. Nothing else to report - just trying to get organized and settled and looking forward to when that actually happens. I opened a bank account, obtained a phone and joined a gym (and went on my first visit to the grocery store with a cart and bought more than just 2 bags :), so I am feeling pretty good about our progress. We will be going back to Indiana to visit with the family and take care of our remaining goods in storage over labor day and then hopefully we will be done!!! Check out the pictures... it is bigger than you would expect!

Living room before furniture Posted by Picasa

Master bath room from master bed room. Closet on the left, living room on the right. Posted by Picasa

Courtyard view. Parking lot below where the car is parked. Posted by Picasa

Master bedroom Posted by Picasa

Living room Posted by Picasa

Living room Posted by Picasa

Kitchen Posted by Picasa

Kitchen Posted by Picasa

Second bedroom Posted by Picasa

Second bedroom Posted by Picasa

Guest bathroom Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I am back....

Well, in case you are wondering what is going on ....I would have to say nearly everything humanly possible - all at one time - all at the same place and all requiring attention - and by the way, I am back at work again as well. So, let the fun begin.

So, the good news. The sea shipment is in route and the storage shipment is supposed to arrive on Friday to be moved into the apartment. The weather is supposed to "break" by then (how could I have picked the hottest days of the year to move in New York, I don't know), but hopefully it won't be raining. I will post pictures of the apartment once we have moved in - as much as I enjoy living at the Marriott, I am looking forward to getting into my own place. So, hopefully, this will be sucessful.

I started at work on Tuesday. What an experience to walk through Times Square and start working at the flagship office of the Company. Nothing can beat that. I have to say - it feels pretty cool....

Well, I can beat that actually, I was on TV on Monday night. I was talking a walk through the city center and came upon the Rockefeller Center. They were filming the Chris Mather show (which is a news talk show on MSNBC). I stood in the crowd, called mom and dad and jumped up and down. And guess what, I made it on the show. They said that they were able to see my head go in and out of the shot and that there was a full close up on my head for a couple of minutes when they were out interviewing people about political things. Now maybe to seasoned New Yorkers this would not be a big deal, but I thought it was great to get on TV on my first day in the city. (Yes, it is the little things that I enjoy).

So that is what is going on. Trying to coordinate a bunch of things which require attention and being grateful when anything comes off of the list.... More to come....

PS - Happy Birthday Todd - hope you and your family are having a great vacation (and send me some pictures to post for you!!!)