Brooke's European Adventure

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Monday, November 06, 2006

Venturing out....

Well, after a couple weeks 13 hrs of work a day and officially getting "settled", I finally ran out of excuses for not doing anything on the weekend. So, my team was "awarded" with a half day off on Friday (ie, we could leave at 2:00 pm) and so I took advantage of being part of the "team" and left....and went to some stores. Now this was a big challenge as I had noticed some interesting looking stores along my way to work but I didn't really know what was there or frankly how to get there. But since it was before 4 pm on a Friday (therefore there was no traffic), I decided to take a chance and just look around - and so I found some Christmas gifts and my metal flower planter for the tulips. Now, I have a place to store 24 of the 36 that I brought back with me - I love those things. More fun followed over the weekend when I ventured to the post office (like the Netherlands, it took me 2 trips to get one letter mailed) and I tried a new coffee (Pumpkin Spice) at the Starbucks - yummy. Derek and I hung out on Sunday and even went to an evening concert at the church by a 100 person New York based choir. It was pretty fun. A good weekend, including shopping and rest... what else could you ask for?

My Dutch tulips in their new home

My Dutch tulips in their new home