Brooke's European Adventure

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Team dinner on a boat cruise around NYC. Here we are near the financial district. The trip was a blast.

Brooke and the city - can you believe it???

The Statue of Liberty. The cruise ended going around her. It was pretty dark at this point in time, so the pictures weren't great, but you can get the idea. I can't wait to go and take a real tour here. It is a really interesting part of NYC history.

What happens when you try to wear heels in San Fran... you stop in China town and buy new shoes. The girls actually made it 4 blocks straight down on our way to dinner, which really impressed me. But the first store that we found - they were buying.

The streets of San Fran - they were freaking crazy, we wondered how we were going to be able to drive here, but we did it!

The Golden Gate bridge !

Cable car...."not a trolley car" as the driver explained to me since I insisted on calling it a trolley car. I rode one around the city after falling down trying to walk on the steep sidewalks. They were fun.

Here is where we went in Napa Valley
This is the winery where we started buying boxes....yes, boxes to get the wine back. Lucky for me, at 2 am Monday morning, I learned that the boxes floated (in the massive Hoboken floods).

At the top of the hill at one of the wineries..... with the crazy wine guy.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Here we go - Day One - looking good. Really high - check out the red danger sign in the background. Didn't do any of those. This is Vail.
Day 2: Conditions slightly different - it's snowing! all day in fact. Bought a nice bit of powder to ski on - but made it hard to see anything. This is in Breckinridge.

Kim reads the map to figure out where we are going - althrough her favorite line was "Well, it isn't what I thought it was going to be, but I think this should be that a black diamond.....well, be careful"

Red Rock
View from Kim's house

Pottery that I made!