Brooke's European Adventure

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Elizabeth Gilbert Speech in New Hope, PA

Brooke and Sol checking out the town And now with Cecelia, Sol's friend from Argentina
How many books do we actually need??
Yes, we have several copies - but did I mention it was a great book?
Brooke getting her book signed by Elizabeth. Elizabeth said Oprah was "cool". Great speech - very funny and entertaining for the small audience (in the high school). The girls in front of us drove 9 hrs to attend.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Brooke at the starting line- will it or won't it rain - that was the key question. In the 40's, but with a pretty fog over the land - notice I am not cold bc I have dressed appropriately.

And we are off! Remember this is not a race, it is a "ride" The majority of the time the road was clear riding, however in some parts - like here trying to enter central park - it was pretty packed.
I was in gate 3 of 5 starting blocks. These are the people behind me - there were 30,000 who registered
Brooke and the bridge - we rode over that. This is the second rest stop.

Here we are NYC in the back ground :)
And the famous Brooklyn Bridge
These guys have rats on their heads so that their friends can see them - best part - look closely, the rats have bike helmets on.
Brooke and her new friends from Canada at the end of the race!!
Here is the last reading at the end of the race - 44 miles. Total distance counting the ride there and home = 49 miles. Seriously, 49 miles.

Yankees Game!! Brooke, Nicole and Bianca (and Derek, Jamie and Sara - not pictured) take in a Yankees game.
Did we mention the tasty hot dogs and cheese fries? Did I really need to get the jumbo size? I don't know, but they were good!!

Here we are at the game - notice the winter coat - there was a frost advisory that night. Yankees lost against Detroit (hope Aaron isn't reading this).