Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sunday morning in July

A typical Sunday morning in Amsterdam in July: 2:00 am - storm starts, wonder how high front windows are open and if wind is blowing rain into the living room. 2:30 am - feel breeze into bedroom, know that means rain is on floor of living room and waddle out to shut front windows. 4:00 am - still raining, great cool breeze in room, think about how glad I am not to be going through the heat wave currently happening in the States. Breeze reminds me of hiking on the AT in West Virginia. Light is starting to come in through the patio door - close drapes so that it is dark. 8:00 am - time to get up? Well, it is raining still, roll over, cuddle up in blankets and go back to sleep. 9:00 am - still raining, laundry was done yesterday, sore from yesterday's Dutch workout with Devon, so roll over again and sleep some more. 10:00 am - still raining, but alas, I am hungry, better get up today - I know, I can work on the blog !!!

Another rainy day today (so far). We have had several rainy days the last 2 weeks. Apparently it is has been a wet summer. Yesterday turned out to be great. After a cloudy morning, the sun came out and made for a great afternoon. Derek and I went downtown to the city center to Leisplein to go shopping and Derek was able to finish his 2 month search for black dress shoes. We walked around town, had a good dinner at the 3 Sisters New York Steak House and then went to see Mr. and Mrs Smith movie which premiered in Amsterdam this weekend. Topped off the day with chocolate and vanilla ice cream cones from the local shop. And, we finished the laundry and bought groceries as well. You can't get any better than that. Wonder what today will have in store...


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