Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Scott and Dave visit

My first American visitors arrived on Thursday night from Belgium. I was so excited to see two friendly faces from Indianapolis, IN!!! Former "fav clients" and now good friends, Dave and Scott joined me after spending a few days working in Belgium. Thursday and Friday, I acted as the tour guide. Thursday night, we walked around the city seeing the canals, Central Station, some "red" lights, and people watching. We found an outside bar on a canal and enjoyed a fire eating street performance (which ended when the police arrived) and some local Dutch foods - cheese and Buitenballs. Even though Dave hated the idea of eating deep fried gravy, both were adventurous and sampled a few of the balls with yellow spicy mustard. After a great dinner at Casa di David, we finished our walk around the city and hung out at the Bulldog (chosen because that was the name of Scott's college mascot). Friday started with typical Dutch weather, rain, which resulted in the phrase... "it looks like it is breaking up". Unfortunately, the slanted rain fell almost all day, just to prove us wrong each time we thought it was letting up. Not to let the weather deter us, Scott and I (with raincoat and umbrella) visited the Muilderslot castle (thanks to Todd and Lonely Planet for the recommendation), the local grocery store (again to enjoy the "local experience" and purchase some very good cookies), bought souvenirs and walked around a little more. We ended the evening with a improv comedy show at Boom Chicago - which was hilarious - and drinks outside on the Leisplein Square (which included the famous street performance of "almost naked guy and pole"). The weekend was a blast and I really enjoyed seeing the friendly faces from home. That left the only, when you guys coming back???


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