Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Wait, I thought that they went to Italy for a vacation, why are there pictures from London?? Well, we asked ourselves the same question when not but 12 hrs from arriving back in Amsterdam, we were on another plane to London. This time for a 4 day training course (that makes London and Moscow for training, beating Louisville and Cincinnati hands down). So, we decided to mix work and pleasure and stayed in the city for the weekend following the trainings. It was great to see some Ohio Valley faces at the training with Tony coming from Indy before going to San Paulo, Brent stopping by in route to Germany, and Ron in route to Moscow. I really enjoyed London, everyone spoke English and it was easily to get around. The food was different that I expected, but I was able to have my first Starbucks, and some great sushi as a place with a conveyer belt - which I have never seen before. There also is alot of history in London which I didn't really know about and the concept of a king and queen is really interesting to me. The buildings are all beautiful and different, so there is alot to see there. We also saw a show - the Mousetrap (the longest running show in London - the 21,995 episode). That said, the city is expensive. One might think that because the dollar converts to the pound at .5 meaning $2 = about 1 pound) that things would cost 1/2 as much, but they don't. They cost the same - which means it is freaking expensive. Carmel macchiato at Starbucks = 4 pounds = $8. Ouch. That said, it was a great time and a great place to visit. Now can we go home???


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