Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Time for a vacation - Venice, Italy

Here are the pictures from the first days of our stay in Venice, Italy. After a short 2 hr flight from Amsterdam, we started our travels in Italy. To do that required us to take an airplane, a bus from the airport to the Venice Piazza Roma, a vaporetto boat from the bus station into the city and 2 block walk to the hotel. I was a little concerned about the overall coordination, but it worked out perfect. 2 days / 2 nights in Venice. Toured the city and the main sights. "Got lost" off the beaten path (which I would like to say was bc it is a Rick Steve's recommendation, however, really was because we became lost). Went to a great violin concert that was just stunning. Learned about the city on a relaxing gondola ride. And had alot of pizza. It is such an usual city due to the lack of cars and tons of tourists to visit. Once off of the main strip of tourists and shops, you could find a beautiful city surrounded by water. A great start to our trip. After our time in Venice, we retraced our path to the train station and traveled to Lake Como through Milan. (see above).


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