Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Normandy, France

Our trip to France ended with a visit to the coast to experience a part of WWII history. We visited the Caen museum and toured the D-day beaches with our guide, Roen (who happened to be Dutch and originally from Amsterdam). Learning more about the war and the events that happened on June 6, 1944 was quite an experience. I cannot imagine what it was like on that day or during that time. Today, the beaches are as you would expect - beautiful, sandy, with a rocky green coast line and seagulls flying in the wind against the clouds, so it is difficult to imagine thousands of young soldiers storming the beach, dodging obstillciles and mines, only to be picked off one by one by German soldiers perched high above the beaches in fortified bunkers amongst the cliffs. Young soldiers who were told they had 2 options "choose to die standing still or die getting up the beach". And many did die - so much so that the sea and beach turned "red". Hearing the stories and seeing the loss of life by visiting the cemetery makes you understand that a war isn't just about who is right or wrong, or logistics and tactics. It is about people and freedom, about life and death. Death which occurred on June 6, 1944 and death which occurred in the many days before and after during Hitler's execution of his master plan. No doubt he had to be stopped, but understanding the price paid should be understood and valued as everyone considers the freedoms that we have today. Although at times it was a somber experience, I was glad to have the opportunity to see this historical location myself and think that it is something that I will always remember.

And that was the end of the trip. A drive back to Amsterdam on Friday, some great sushi for dinner, and Melanie was off on Sunday flying back to good old Indiana. She left a friend grateful for her company and the goodies that she brought along for me (a large curling iron and peanut butter) and the goodies that I talked her into leaving (her small curling iron :-) I had a great time and a great vacation and hope that she is able to return at least one more time before I come home.... :-)


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