Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Barcelona: Here we come

Well, instead of the Macy's day parade, football, and mom's turkey and pumpkin pie - it was sushi and sun in Barcelona, Spain. A definite change, but since Thanksgiving is not a recognized holiday in Europe (although the idea of Thanksgiving and how the Americans overpowered the Indians in the United States is a favorite discussion topic of the Dutch) - the Americans in the office decided to take a vacation and travel to Barcelona, Spain. I wasn't sure what to expect about Spain, it was another place that was not on my list, as it seemed to be more metropolitan than I would like and a very party oriented place. But Barcelona turned out to be a nice mix of interesting buildings, a rebuilt waterfront (for the 1992 Olympics), and great fresh seafood. The group arrived on Friday, had dinner in a cable tower over looking the city, enjoyed our amazing hotel, took a tour with a guide on Saturday and saw the sites including the very amazing work of Gaudi, enjoyed an afternoon at the spa (it was amazing) and a great Saturday night dinner at a seafood restaurant where we ate until we could eat no more, and rested and relaxed on Sunday (while Derek played golf). The weather was in the 50's (a little chilly for this time of year), but warmer than Amsterdam which had snow over the weekend, and SUN - which is most important as winter has begun in Amsterdam and the sun has disappeared behind gray clouds. It was a quick trip (don't even ask me about the 2 guys on the plane that sat next to me that talked the entire 2 hr trip back to Amsterdam - not taking a break the entire flight!!), but alot of fun. Derek was able to return from New York to join the trip, so it was great to see and hang out with him as well. So, now back to work??


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