Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Saturday, February 04, 2006

The camel, the shimmy, and the shake... it is belly dancing time.

When living overseas in an environment which is totally different and where you totally have no control over life, I think one of two things normally happens. 1. You curl up into a little ball in your little apartment and you watch American movies which you brought with you from home while rationing your American Kraft Mac and Cheese in your "safe" place or 2. You say what the heck, I am up for anything, let's get out there and try something new. I can honestly say I have done both, but that I much prefer option 2. That is why I was interested in a new group of people I was introduced to called "meet in Amsterdam".

Moving to a new city means creating a new network of people to interact with. To date, that network has been great, but small, mostly consisting of the people at work and direct connections with them. So, see if you can follow this co-worker Diane's neighbor Dave (an American who has lived here for about 8 years) invited Diane and I to go to a concert with him last week. He also invited a couple he met from Belgium on the internet and another guy, named Robert, who he had just recently met at Trivia night (which is every Monday in Amsterdam at Boom Chicago). Robert, an American who just moved to Amsterdam from Florida, learned about trivia night from this website and group called "meet in". I met Robert (who was nice and normal) and therefore became curious about this group which plans all different types of events around the city and country. Heeding my mom's comments and concern about a "cult", I had planned to attend my first event next week at their one year anniversary party. However, a last minute check of the website turned up a belly dancing class with 2 open spots for Saturday.

The class was at a studio (there was a link on the website - looked legitimate - I thought as I wondered if it could be a scam to lure people to a secluded area to rob them), it was during day light hours, and the guest list was all girls (even through the group has more than 600 members) - so I figured I couldn't get more safer than this... and belly dancing.... why not give it a try?

It was a blast. We learned some moves and by the end, were even able to do them to music. The shake, the shimmy, the camel - and we were given scarves, bells, and veils. And, not only was the event fun, but I really met some interesting people. I love hearing stories from others about what they are doing and why they are here - and the thing is - everyone has a story. And they are all so different and so interesting. Some people are students, some here on work, some work part time, some full time, some are writers, some are just traveling along - you never know what the answer is going to be. Although, you do know, it will always be interesting.

So, thanks to Nassia for planning the event and thank you to the group for welcoming me as a new member - now, it is time for a movie :-)


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