Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Innsbruck. We flew from Amsterdam to Innsbruck, then took the train / bus to Lech. We had a few hours in Innsbruck between connections (thankfully we didn't accept the taxi cab drivers offer to get us to Lech for 5 times the cost of the train tickets), but as we were walking around, we saw this... the Olympic Ski Jump from when the Olympics were held in Innsbruck in the early 1960's. I took this picture for Derek's Dad as this was what we were trying to find as we drove around the town during his visit (which ultimately ended with us being in Italy). Here it was - just a few blocks from where we had been walking!!! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some beautiful pictures. I bet you were really tired after all that skiing. Should have at least one picture of Derek on skis. M/D

1:11 PM  

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