Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Salzburg: Sing along with me

Many of my friends and family find it strange that there are several “classic” movies that I have not seen. It is difficult to explain why I haven’t seen movies like “Gone with the Wind”, “Miracle on 34th Street”, “the Christmas Story”, but I have to believe that it is partly due to the fact that we lived in the country and we didn’t even have cable until I was in high school. I mean can anyone remember not having cable? So, I am trying to expand my horizons from “Old School” and “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” to increase my repertoire of movie knowledge and experiences and as part of this growing process while living in Amsterdam, I watched the Sound of Music - a Hollywood glorified true life story of the Von Trapp family who escaped from the Nazi’s in Austria to America – by singing. The real Von Trapp family lived in Salzburg and the majority of the movie was filmed in Salzburg, so I knew that it would be a beautiful place to visit and would fully round out my movie experience, so with the songs never ending in my head – I took off for the hills of Salzburg (which are alive with the song of music….).

It was a great weekend getaway. The city (which is also the birthplace of Mozart) was beautiful. There are several courtyards and squares. I did a SOM tour with three very nice girls (Katie, Katie and Leslie) who were from Montana who were studying choir in Vienna for 3 months and we had a great time going around the city and “acting out” our favorite scenes – which are pictured below. I also attended a Mozart concert in the fortress (after visiting the house he was born in and grew up in) and sat next to a couple touring Europe who were from Chicago – which was a lot of fun. (Isn’t Mozart amazing, how did he think of that stuff??). So, a nice little city – a fun travel experience – my second successful trip on my own – and now time to go back to work… well, that is until next weekend – Off to Prague!!! (Check out the pictures – but make sure you are singing while you do so……..Doe- a deer, a female deer, Ray – a drop of golden sun, Me – the name, I call myself, Fa – a long long way from home…)


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