Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Monday, June 26, 2006

Destination USA

I hope everything is going well with you. As I have been very busy with the upcoming move back to the US and the frenzy of European travel which occurred before the move, I am looking forward to touching base with everyone and hearing how things are going. I hope that many of us might even have the chance to do this in person when I return to the US in July. So, I hope that you are doing well and I can't wait to hear how it is going.

Life for me (at the moment) is very hectic. I thought that it was difficult to coordinate the move to the Netherlands, I didn't realize how difficult it would be to move back. After completing my largest assignment in the Netherlands, I was able to take some time off with Derek and his mom, Marilyn, and our friend Todd and travel throughout Europe on a whirlwind tour of France, Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg, Holland, and Italy. It was a blast (pictures below). That trip was followed by a weekend getaway to Sweden to visit my friends Mike and Sara (who previously lived in Indianapolis) and the Sweden countryside. Now, I am back in Amsterdam, ready to spend a week packing and attending various farewell dinners and going away parties.

On Friday, June 30, the movers come and the goods board a ship back to the States.
On August 1, I will be starting back to work as a team member of the New York, New York office. In the meantime, I will be trying to coordinate the sale of my house and the selection of an apartment to rent in New York where Derek and I will be living. Additionally, I will be trying to have some fun in the US as well and hopefully be able to visit with everyone. When I am not in New York, I will traveling to visit with everyone.

Well, that is a birds eye view of life for me right now and while that covers the logistics of the move, it really doesn't express the emotional roller coaster which is on-going with the process. Excitement to return to the US (when can I go to Hacienda??), regret for the things that I didn't do here (Greece - never made it), happiness to see friends and family (yes, everyone on this email!!!), fear for life in New York (what will it be like??), concern about starting with a new job and new people (what will the client and team be like???)... yes, I understand why moving is one of the top 5 stressors in life. But I am trying to remain cool, calm, and collected and I think I am successful about 50% of the time, so I am pretty pleased about that. I can just take each day, each phone call, each email one at a time and go from there....

So, more details about my travel schedule will be sent shortly (as nothing is finalized yet) and hopefully we can get together soon. If not, I will still have access to my email and my international cell phone will work until I move to New York. Send me an email or give me a call and hopefully we can see each other soon!!!
Destination USA - wish me luck!
Love, Brooke


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