Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Monday, July 03, 2006

My final trip in Europe - Sweden

In February 2005, my friends Mike and Sara left Indianapolis at the end of Mike's global rotation to return to their home country, Sweden. Since Mike arrived in the fall of 2003, we had worked together on a couple of clients and became good friends. When Mike left, he gave me a book on Sweden and on the title page wrote "Thanks for everything you have done for us during our time here. Here is a book on Sweden, we hope you will come for a visit so that we can show you as much about our home as you have shown us about Indiana". So, I knew that during my time here, I had to go visit them. We tried doing something last year in the summer and fall, but we could not get the schedules to work out, so when the Mid summer holiday approached, I received an email from Mike with a flight already chosen for me and the instruction to "Book it". It was great vacation to bookend my time in Europe because it was unlike any other vacation I had taken so far. Unlike traveling to another country or city armed with my "Top 10" or "Rick Steve's" travel books, here I didn't take anything, I just joined Mike and Sara in their lives and plans with family for the holidays. They just added me to the party. That meant I was able to participate in the local traditions and events. It wasn't necessarily about seeing another castle or church, it was about being with them and doing what they do on a daily basis. Which actually meant alot of eating and a ton of time spent outside. You can see from the pictures below what I mean. It was a great 4 days and I left glad that I had made this my last trip in Europe. Enjoy the pictures while I work on the inscription of the New York City book that I am giving them.....


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