Brooke's European Adventure

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Let's go fishing

Well, all work and no play makes us boring, with that in mind, I grabbed a pole and joined my teammates in a deep sea fishing event on City Island - about an hour from NYC. We had a great day of fishing with wonderful weather - sunny 80 degrees with slight breeze which made it perfect to relax and enjoy life on the water. There were 12 of us - and everyone caught something during the day. The main catch was "blue fish" which I had never caught before - but we also had a couple bass and a bird fish and I had a tuna fish sandwich for lunch (albeit from a deli :-) After fishing, we watched the sun set over the island while we had dinner at a local restaurant. Noone ordered the blue fish (because we had so much of it with us), but we were delighted to see that it was on the menu and cost $20 a plate. Now, I just have to figure out how to cook it.

Let's go fishing!

Well, it is not all about the fishing...

Just chilling before the action begins...

View from the front of the boat

Roumi taking pictures as we head out to sea

We get a lesson on what is going to happen if we catch something!!

Roumi, Jenny, and Rafellina

Roumi, Jenny, and Brooke

John, Ronak, and Will

Well, it can't just be about the know there had to be some betting involved. $60 bucks to whoever caught the biggest fish. Will won, it was 14 lbs.

Roumi catches "her own fish", but it turns out to be....

Roumi catches a Bird fish - you could actually hear it "cooing".

Brooke catches some fish - 10 in total!

Rafellina and her catches of the day!

City Island - Manhattan is only an hour away

City Island Pier

The end of a great day!