Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Let's go fishing

Well, all work and no play makes us boring, with that in mind, I grabbed a pole and joined my teammates in a deep sea fishing event on City Island - about an hour from NYC. We had a great day of fishing with wonderful weather - sunny 80 degrees with slight breeze which made it perfect to relax and enjoy life on the water. There were 12 of us - and everyone caught something during the day. The main catch was "blue fish" which I had never caught before - but we also had a couple bass and a bird fish and I had a tuna fish sandwich for lunch (albeit from a deli :-) After fishing, we watched the sun set over the island while we had dinner at a local restaurant. Noone ordered the blue fish (because we had so much of it with us), but we were delighted to see that it was on the menu and cost $20 a plate. Now, I just have to figure out how to cook it.


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