Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Self installation cable and modem vs Brooke and Derek

CABLE: Winner (after a grueling 6 hr challenge)= digital cable box. It didn't help that the instructions were in Dutch (no wonder the delivery man laughed when he handed me the self installation kit and I responded in English. So, no new English channels to enjoy. Back to the good old MTV (broadcast here in English - just several seasons behind).

HIGH SPEED INTERNET Winner (after a 1 hr challenge) = Derek!!! This is great - finally able to connect from home and the first thing that I want to do is ... update the blog. This is great! Now, more postings from home.

Great news !! Going on vacation to Cinque de Terra Italy - on the French Riviera. 5 towns right on the coast - built into the rocks and highly recommended by Rick Steves! Working on packing my backpack (will I be able to fit it all in there??) and just checked the weather - 75 - 80 degrees expected all weeks. This 5 day holiday will be great - pictures to be posted soon!!!!!


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