Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Nothing new to post now, but just wait.....

Since Scott and Dave's visit, it has been a quiet week. I finally joined the gym (after months of deliberation), so I have no excuse not to go anymore. I find it much harder over here to maintain a consistent schedule (every Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday) like I did at home due to constant changing and lack of consistency in my work schedule. Often working hours are dictated by what is going on locally and who you need to talk to in other countries - for example, Japan (7 hrs ahead of us) vs New York (7 hrs behind us). Sometimes the 24 hr clock comes in handy. But with classes in the morning and classes at night, I hope to be able to attend several times in the upcoming months (as an accountant, I know I must attend at least 50 times to meet my break even point for joining for a year vs paying as I go). Went to class last night and worked out this morning, so I have 2 down and only 48 more to go. Last night' body building class was extremely hard, but today I realized that was because the weights I was using were kgs and not lbs. The 5 kg weight which appeared easy was really (x 2.246) = 11.23 lbs. That might not see like alot to some of you, but let me tell you, it is when you haven't been to the gym in 3 weeks. So, weekend plans include a massage.. (details to come) and a visit to the Sail Amsterdam event, one of the largest parades of sailing vessages in the world. It happens once any 5 years in Amsterdam. Following the weekend, the countdown to vacation continues - 5 days from visiting Italy - a whirlwind tour of Venice , Lake Como, Italy (a lake at the base of the Swiss Alps), and Rome to meet our friends Erica and Erin on holiday from Fort Wayne, IN. After holiday comes a trip to London for training, so a couple of great weeks of traveling to come. Come back soon for pictures of all of the above!!!!


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