Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Munster Germany Christmas Market - A surprise

Derek invited me to spend the day with him on Saturday to do "something". I was not told what or where, only that it would take the day and would to dress warm. In Holland, that could mean anything or anywhere. But the day arrived (and after Derek decided to stop teasing me that we were going to the office to tieout footnotes) and we were off - to Germany to go to the famous Christmas markets. After a 3 hr drive to Munster, Germany (included 1 "turnaround", but because the parking lots were full - not the navigator's fault) we had a great day walking around the stalls and booths at the market. Enjoyed a brat with mustard served w/ a roll, did some shopping, and the day was complete. I had a great time and can't wait for the next adventure!!! Next weekend in Munich and the following weekend - back to the States for Christmas!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were right about where Derick might take you. Looks like a neat place. Really enjoyed your pictures taken in Spain. Will look forward to hearing more about it when you get home.

5:36 PM  

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