Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Where are the tulips??? Aren't they here yet???

Well, it is life as normal here in the Netherlands. Returning from 2 back to back vacations in Switzerland and Austria, it was time to return to work and get ready for the busy time ahead. Derek returned to New York for slightly more than a week, then returned to Amsterdam to celebrate Easter. We had a good time enjoying a weekend in Amsterdam. The weather is beginning to perk up (although still becomes grey and showers frequently) and the flowers are trying their best to bloom, so it seems like spring is almost here. So, we did "normal" things. We went out to dinner, rode our bikes around town, and went to church. Life is good. We went to see the tulips (which is a huge annual event here in the Netherlands), but alas, it is not quite time yet and we ended up seeing alot of green fields. Yes, there were some yellow daffodils (that is not the official name, but the flower resembles a daffodil) and some purples blooming. One row of red somethings were found, but the most common color was green. Still cool, but not quite what I was hoping on seeing. But, I am told that the tulips are close, and I am determined to see them this year given that the site of acres of colorful blooming tulips is amazing (I did get to see them 2 year ago when Derek's dad was visiting, it was awesome). That is why this weekend Todd and I went back to see the fields after attending a wedding of our friends Saskia and Brandon, but the tulips continued to be elusive and shy with us. There was some progress from last week, but no overwhelming fields of blooms... yet. (So guess what I am doing next weekend??)

A trip to the tulip fields, Easter services at church (with a shower of holy water due to the "good brush") and breakfast at the Pancake Bakery, a famous restaurant here in the Netherlands which serves real pancakes, omelets, and American Maple syrup (a real treat in the Netherlands given that the Dutch syrup - "stroop" is not as sugary as what we Americans like). Todd and I enjoyed fritters with bananas AND an omelet while Derek opted for just a pancake. It was a great meal and after finishing, we decided to ride our bikes over to Todds for coffee and cards. Unfortunately, 1/2 way back from the city, the chain on my bike came off of the "turnie thing" and I couldn't pedal myself anymore. Derek and Todd came to my rescue as Derek pulled me on his bike all of the way home. Todd assisted by creating a path for us through several hundred people in Vondelpark (given that I also was unable to stop). It was a comedic sight to watch, but we were safely able to make it home. Once at Todd's, he presented Derek with "all of his tools" which included a wrench and a screw driver (and a secret hidden pair of pliers). Derek took the bike chain cover apart and re-secured the chain in place. After putting everything back together, another "squeak" was identified and quickly fixed (With the comments of "I am not sure why you would need this medal piece here and it is going to break off anyways"). Now, my bike runs better than it ever has before, a perfect repair job and in 1/2 of the time it took me to do it last time. Although, I definitely enjoyed being pulled around and not having to pedal, but the guys wouldn't allow that once the bike was fixed. After completing the bike repair job and a large cup of coffee from a local Bagels and Beans store, we came back to Todd's for a couple of exciting card games, only one of which I will comment on. THE AMAZING PINOCHLE MIRACLE

The game started off as normal with the three of us close together in point scoring. Derek and Todd took the lead and came to the point where Todd was just a few points away from finishing us both off. Derek had a chance at winning and I was way behind by over 60 points. The hand was dealt, we reviewed our cards, I prayed for a miracle...... and it came to me, in the form of aces, tens, and the queen of spades, jack of diamonds, queen of spades, jack of diamonds. A double pinochle. 32 points in the meld. AND, 4 aces which is an extra 20 points in the meld....I could do some damage here.... I seriously wanted to jump up and down and scream after looking at my hand. But I had to play it cool. I didn't want anyone to know... The bidding started. Derek, Todd, Brooke... 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. 28, Todd drops out, 29, 30, 31, 32.... Derek realizes, Brooke must have something good for her to continue to bid like this... and announces... "Can you believe it, she has double pinochle". He was right. The first one which had happened with the three of us playing. And, on top of that, I had 4 Aces and was short suited. I had a chance of winning the game from both of them in a stunning upset which no one would have expected. I am sure you can guess the outcome of this one - I took the bid and the game and achieved the highest score ever in the time period we have been playing. It was a great upset and a great end to a weekend. (Note as the author of the blog, I have the right to publish any story that I would like to publish about the card playing matches. To avoid any comment of "favoritism" towards myself in my stories - meaning I only tell the stories in which I win - I will also comment that both Derek and Todd did win a hand over the weekend - although neither of which was so stunning it requires a paragraph on the blog, but both boys are excellent card players who have previously beat me in a couple of the past games, but seriously, this was just stunning....).

Weekend is over, time to go back to work. A busy week for all of us is upcoming, although the excitement of Queen's day is also building. The city is beginning to decorate itself in Orange for next Saturdays festivities to celebrate the Queen's birthday. I am looking forward to it and will promise to share those stories in full.


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