Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Monday, July 03, 2006

So now what???

The goods have been packed, the shelves are empty, the suitcases are full.... so now what are you doing??? Great question. The answer: R+R (as my dad would say..."take a break, dog, take a break").

It was a tough decision on whether to stay in Amsterdam or go somewhere exciting on my last weekend in Europe. I thought about it alot (especially with Matt and Lisa going to Portugal - where I had not been yet), but I decided to stay in Amsterdam and do some of the final things that I wanted to do while I was here....1) Have coffee outside in the morning in the sun (done) 2) Buy some clothing that is typical Dutch (done - 4 hours of shopping produced one white skirt :-) 3) Goto the beach (done) 4) Take a picture of my bike (done) 5) Go to Rijks Museum (hopefully today) etc etc etc. Basically, wrap up the things that need to be done here, get lots of sleep and say goodbye to the city and my friends here. That has been the plan and it has worked so far. Saturday included shopping with Todd and Aaron (one final trip to the art store!!!) and a great dinner and Sunday included the beach with Aaron and JJ. Now 2 more days until I am off to New York and the logistics of the international move coordination, house hunting, and house sale. But for now, just time to enjoy what is left of Europe. Only 2 days left .....


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