Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

May I have an antibiotic - pretty please?

After a week and a half of a head cold and a severe sore throat, I was finally convinced to go to to the doctor. I had previously gone through the process of registering with the doctor so that I could go if I needed to (a requirement in the Netherlands) and I did choose him from the list of English speaking doctors, so I knew I would be able to communicate with him, however, I was still a little suspicious about the whole process. But, I just wanted some penicillin, so I figured I would give it a shot. So, he invites me into the room (yes, there is only one room in the office, not multiple rooms like in the US), looks at my throat, taps my head, asks me a few questions and says "You sick, but no antibiotics. Nothing to do". And that is it. I asked if he was certain?? I asked if he could give me some anyway because I had been sick so long, had a fever etc... but nothing. I was completely denied. When I returned to work, I asked some of the Dutch co-workers if this was typical. They said yes, you have to be really sick for the doctor to give you anything. They said that I probably didn't look sick enough because I went dressed in my work clothes and with my hair done etc (since I was coming to work). They also told me to expect a nice little 35 euro bill for the visit (which they think is just wrong). But now I know the process, next time, I am going to really act it up :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Brooke - Hope you're feeling better!


4:29 PM  

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