Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Welcome back to the US

Things I like about the US:
1. Large drinks with ice and refills.
2. Servers at restaurants who are happy and nice to you and promptly attend to your every need.
3. Larger stores open all of the time to buy anything that I need at the moment.
4. Dollar seems cheaper here after paying for things in euros.
5. Being able to read signs and documents and understand what the guy on the train is saying.
6. Being able to talk to friends and family at normal hours.
7. The Marriott comfort bed and down blanket.... amazing.....
8. Air conditioning everywhere.

Things I don't like about the US:
1. Where is my bike and why can't I ride anywhere?
2. Servers at restaurants who are annoying because they are so cheerful and nice.
3. Straws in drinks - you never have a straw in your drink in Europe.
4. Not being able to say "who da mor ha" in the morning.
5. Not having a piece of bread, cheese, meat and a yogurt for lunch.
6. Seeing people waste food.
7. Air conditioning everywhere making things freaking cold.

2 days and it seems to be a pretty close tie - we will see how it goes.....


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